Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New Dove Whitening Original Anti-Perspirant Deodorant

Details from dove.co.id:

Dove Whitening Deodorant Original sekarang hadir dalam bentuk spray. Kandungan ¼ moisturizing cream-nya yang dilengkapi vitamin E & F memberikan triple action moisturizer pada setiap penggunaan yang merawat sel-sel kulit dari dalam dan mengembalikan kelembaban alami untuk kulit ketiak lebih cerah dan halus dalam 7 hari*. Dove Deodorant juga mengandung ekstrak biji bunga matahari dan licorice yang membantu mencerahkan kulit ketiak dari dalam. Dove Whitening Deodorant, perlindungan optimal 24 jam, kulit ketiak lebih indah.

Heehee, a sensitive subject is here, deodorant vs body odor. As someone who do have body odor, I become very conscious about my scent. I always have perfumes on my bag and occasionally check certain areas for being smelly or not. Yes, the underarm. The roots of some people social problems =^_^=

Some just getting a hang of it after going through puberty and boo ya! Went home as stink as a stink bug. It happens, it just happens. Hormones, bacteria, sweats, it all takes part. I'm just glaring at some people who doesn't have body odor in full glance of either envy or awe.

I have many deodorants at home, tried various brands, type, texture and prices too. Expensive products doesn't always works! I've bought a 30$ organic deo that hmm, too friendly, not just to the environment but for the bacteria on the area as well. It doesn't work.

Does this aerosol deodorant powder from Dove works? It does!

I use it daily for the past few weeks now, and it never fails. I dislike the powdery effect on the air (when sprayed) but love it on the underarm. Careful not to inhale it, watch out not to spray it near food, kids, babies, animals, etc. The wonderful soothing scent of Dove is there ^_^ it brings back the whole memory of Dove, I think I like it better than the roll on, since the aerosol deo powder is not sticky at all, no need to wait for it to dry as it dries instantly and smells better too, fragrant of the signature scent of Original Dove.

Does it have a whitening effect? It definitely doesn't have a darkening effect for sure since my underarm stays the same color as usual, not dark.

Does it really stays 24 hours? No. But it stays with me for 12 hours on normal activity. Vigorous sports and exercise with a lot of sweats will decrease the number hours of effectiveness.

Moisturizing effect? Hmm, can't tell the difference from other deo I've used heehee. But definitely doesn't make the area feels too dry.

Do I keep using it? Yes! For the scent, the immediate dry effect unlike roll on and the staying power (for me 12 hours is very very good).


  1. hmmmm jadi kepengen punya produk DoVe ini,,, Nice Review ^^


  2. Hi MissPandaLia,

    Hehe, cobain aja, deodorant juga cocok2an :D
