Friday, May 22, 2015

Clozette Indonesia Bloggers Gathering

Hi everybody,

a few weeks ago, I went into my first Clozette Gathering as their ambassador. This time the event is held at one of the restaurant in Lotte Shopping Avenue.

The theme for the event is finding that perfect clothing with your body type.

We do understand that we are unique individual, not just our face and facial structure is different, we are all different in sizes and shapes. And we can all take advantage of our condition by accepting ourselves and makes the best of what we have.


With May and June as their guest speakers and the audience enjoying their lunch at Seribu Rasa, the event went on smoothly. Those with hourglass figure can emphasize on their slim waist while those with strawberry shaped body that has wider lower body has benefits using an A shaped attire like shown above.

May and June also introduce to us their clothing line that are understand the needs of women to look good, in fact, look their best in any occasion.


Soon, the event ended and it's picture time with other Clozette Indonesia Ambassadors.


And with other members in Clozette Indonesia community as well. Don't forget to join us at the next event which will be held approximately on monthly basis.


Thank you so much Clozette Indonesia!!

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