Monday, August 24, 2015

Factory Visit to Ultrajaya with Tetra Pak

Hello everyone,

this time I want to share something that perhaps not closely linked to beauty but still in a way promote a healthy lifestyle with Tetra Pak.

Invited by Tetra Pak, me and other moms from Mommies Daily are visiting Ultrajaya Factory at Padalarang. A place where UHT milks are made and packed inside the Tetra Pak.


You may see more images from my instagram account @carnellin.

During the visit, we are also welcomed by the team from Tetra Pak and Ultrajaya where they share the goodness of UHT milk and how Tetra Pak keeps everything that are good, good.

We all know the benefits of a milk for a strong bones and teeth during children's growth and even for adults too, but keeping them fresh and well for a longer period of time also need that special packaging.


Tetra Pak, packed everything that's good and keep them stay that way for around 10 months. This is an ample time for distributions so when the milks arrived at your homes, they are as good as when they are first made without preservation and refrigeration. So you only need to keep them cold when they are opened (the family size container).
Tetra Pak uses 6 layers of protection in keeping the UHT milk safe, the Aseptic process and packaging also witness by all of us who came last Saturday.

For me the visit to the factory is fun and educating at the same time, I'm now more confident in giving my kids milk from Ultrajaya.


Actually, we can all see the details written on the milk box, it's just before the visit I didn't understand any of these words, aseptic, the numbers below, and why do we need to make sure that everything is sealed before consuming. Tetra Pak went through a series of process making sure that the milk inside stays sterile and fresh, a micro leakage (or major one) can make the product inside ruined.

You can see from the shape of the box, if it's not the way it is supposed to be, like deflated or blown up like a balloon throw it away immediately.


The stringent quality control from Tetra Pak is actually very safe, from the making, filling to packaging, it's just along the way, perhaps when they are at the store, someone drop it of things that might happen that cause the leakage.

Tetra Pak also already make sure that all the germs are dead. Unlike pasteurization where only some of the bacterias are killed, Ultra High Temperature process kills all the germs with minimal effect of damaging the natural goodness and nutrition needed for those who drinks milk.


And of course, the taste remains good and delicious.
When we're on the bus, they introduce to us a game called Tap n Grow, a free game that we can download from either iStore or Google Play, so it's a game where android and Apple user can play.

Each week there will be winners as well, these winners will get awesome prizes, in the end there's also more prizes to be end at the end of the period. You should try to play the game, it is fun and easy too.

You can learn about responsible tree cutting and things that are replaceable and which are not.


After a brief introduction, I have a chance to show you a bit of Ultrajaya, so sorry, we are not allowed to take pictures inside the factory, we are also need to use special coat, hair nets, and boots too before entering. Washing the hands included.


From years to years, Ultrajaya has been trying their best to promote the benefits of consuming milk, especially for the kids, seems like they have more years to go.


The process of the milk inside Ultrajaya started from the local milk gather at the nearest koperasi. Keeping the milk fresh and pure and also cold (below 8 degree Celcius) are one of the way they keep the product high and good in quality. The milk are received twice daily and immediately went into production room after passing the test. There are several tests, from temperature, flavor, physical color, smell, to laboratory test making sure they are free from additives and other unnecessary ingredients including those harmful ones.


Mixed with quality ingredients so when they comes out, they are as we see today, in Low Fat, Mocca flavor, Strawberry, Chocolate, Full Cream and mimis too.


Beside the milks, there are other production as well and those who need Tetra Pak since Ultrajaya have the machines.


After the visit, the team brings us to Maison Pine for a cooking demo and competition with Chef Norman.

He shares with us overnight oats, pasta dish with milk as the sauce and top side steak too. He made everything look so simple and easy, until it's time for us to make one.


I can't take pictures during the competition since we all participate, but it's fun and we get to have fun as well.


Thank you so much Mommies Daily and especially Tetra Pak for making this trip possible. Do read #UHTUntukAnakku and see the excitements during our trip.

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