Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Natural Honey Pure Honey Lotion and Body Serum

Hello lovelies,

some time ago, some lotions was sent to me, they are Natural Honey in several variants. Firm and Youthful, Antioxidant, Pure White (with SPF 30 PA ++), Moisture Rich and their Body Serum Firm and Stretch Mark Care.


The first lotion that I try (or have to try, since my daughter opened and spill almost the whole bottle on our bed) is Pure White. Since it contain SPF 30 PA++ for sure it was made to protect the skin from UV. The texture is a bit chalky when applied, like most product made with sun protection and it does give the skin a minor white cast and glow like radiant. The scent is fragrant and slightly fruity. It can be used as a daily lotion that also protect the skin from sun rays. Usually for the skin that was exposed, like hands and legs.

It is comfortable, not sticky nor greasy, I think the lotion is pretty nice and budget friendly too.

Natural Honey Pure WhiteKulit Tampak Putih dan Terlindungi

Kondisi kulit yang tidak sehat & tak terlindungi, seringkali membuat kulit kusam dan tidak bercahaya. Lindungi dan rawatlah kulit Anda dengan Natural Honey Pure White yang mengandung :
  • Pure Honey untuk kelembutan dan kesehatan kulit
  • Yogurt kaya nutrisi alami untuk kulit
  • Vitamin B3 mampu menghambat pembentukan melamin kulit agar tampak lebih putih
  • SPF 30 PA++ secara aktif melindungi dari pengaruh buruk sinar UV A dan UV B matahari
Oleskan ke seluruh tangan dan tubuh setelah mandi agar kulit Anda tampak putih dan terlindungi. 

If you check out their website, apparently, each variant has their own moisture level. Do read about the products here.

The next variant is:

Natural Honey Firm & YouthfulTampil Cantik Muda dengan Kulit Tetap Kencang

Kulit butuh perawatan intensif untuk menjaga kekencangan kulit, sehingga tampak cantik muda. Gunakan Natural Honey Firm & Youthful dengan kandungan :
  • Pure Honey membantu merawat kesehatan dan kelembutan kulit
  • Yeast Extract sebagai skin conditioner
  • Collagen menjaga kekencangan & keremajaan kulit
  • 24h Formula mengunci kelembaban alami kulit dan menutrisi hingga lapisan terdalam* selama 24 jam
Oleskan ke seluruh tangan dan tubuh setelah mandi secara rutin untuk mempertahankan kekencangan kulit, sehingga Anda tampil tampak cantik muda.

Smells a bit like sweet citrus, comfortable and not sticky too. I don't experience any firming action, but light hydration effect for sure.  I can use it for my body day and night with this variant. It absorb pretty fast hence there's no need to be massaged.

But for those with very dry skin, Natural Honey recommend the one with Olive.

Natural Honey Moisture RichKulit Tetap Sehat, Segar, dan Bercahaya

Permukaan kulit terasa kasar dan kering, pecah-pecah terutama di daerah siku dan tumit? Gunakan Natural Honey Moisture Rich, dengan kandungan :
  • Pure Honey menjaga kelembutan dan kesehatan kulit
  • Olive Oil kaya beri kelembaban melimpah untuk kulit sehat
  • Vitamin E merawat kulit kusam & kasar sehingga cerah lembut
  • 24h Formula mengunci kelembaban alami kulit dan menutrisi hingga lapisan terdalam* selama 24 jam
Oleskan ke seluruh tangan dan tubuh setelah mandi agar kulit Anda senantiasa sehat , segar, dan bercahaya.

This one is probably the richest but still leaves the skin a velvety effect and no grease. I don't really like the scent but the silky feeling is wonderful. Like my skin becomes so soft and smooth instantly. Those with very dry skin or perhaps for areas such as heels and elbows could use this lotion.

And then there's,

Natural Honey AntioxidantKulit Terlindungi dari Kondisi Buruk Lingkungan

Aktivitas di luar ruang (out door) seringkali mengharuskan kita terkena paparan langsung sinar matahari dan kondisi buruk lingkungan seperti debu, polusi udara, asap kendaraan dan lain sebagainya. Lindungi kulit Anda dengan Natural Honey Antioxidant, mengandung :
  • Pure Honey menjaga kelembutan dan kesehatan kulit
  • Orange Extract kaya Vitamin C sebagai antioksidan
  • Double UV Protection melindungi dari paparan sinar matahari
  • 24h Formula mengunci kelembaban alami kulit dan menutrisi hingga lapisan terdalam* selama 24 jam
Oleskan ke seluruh tangan dan tubuh setelah mandi agar kulit Anda senantiasa sehat dan lembut serta terlindungi dari kondisi buruk lingkungan

I thought it will have a citrus scent since it has orange in it, but it's not. I wish it has a lovely fresh scent, instead it was something that a bit too cosmetic. The texture is similar to Firm & Youthful, easy to absorb and pleasant on the skin.


The final item is their Body Serum made for stretch mark care.

Natural Honey Body Serum Firm & Stretch Mark CareKulit Kencang Tanpa Stretch Mark

Stretch mark adalah garis putih tidak rata pada kulit yang biasa muncul di area perut, punggung, dada, paha dan pantat akibat kulit kehilangan elastisitas. Garis stretch mark ini dapat muncul pada siapa saja, sehingga mengganggumu untuk tampil percaya diri. Gunakan Natural Honey Body Serum Firm & Stretch Mark Care yang mengandung:
  • 20x Hydro-Collagen sebagai skin nourishment
  • Centella Asiatica, Yeast Extract dan Hyaluronic Acid sebagai skin conditioner
  • Vitamin E yang menyamarkan stretchmark dan memperbaikin tekstur kulit agar lebih muda dan sehat
  • Pure Honey menjaga kelembaban kulit 
Oleskan ke seluruh tangan dan tubuh setelah mandi secara rutin untuk mempertahankan kekencangan kulit dan menyamarkan stretch mark, sehingga kulit  tampak muda dan sehat.

The product comes in tube container, richest as in the thicker and creamiest texture compared to the lotion but still turns into watery lotion when applied to the skin. Like it melts. It has a fresh floral aroma, actually it was very fragrant, a bit too fragrant perhaps almost like a perfumed body lotion.

Also not greasy nor sticky on the skin and absorbs easily. I can't say much about the effect against stretch mark since I didn't see any significant effect on the deep marks, but the skin does have a slight firming effects, like it become a bit more tighter. It also gives the skin a mild radiant glow.


Overall, all of the lotions and body serum comes in a white color, light to creamy lotion texture, doesn't felt greasy nor sticky with slightly different effects one to the other. One particular side that everyone definitely noticed is they are different in scent. My favorite is Firm and Youthful for sure with Moisture Rich to be the least and their Body Serum is too much (in terms of scent).

Yet still, these budget friendly lotion is comfortable to be used and anyone could easily pick one of the scent that they like. One more thing, In the ingredients it still has mineral oil and alcohol.


  1. hi mbak, Natural Honey Body Serum Firm & Stretch Mark Care nya berapaan ya harganya ?

  2. aku pernah pakai ini, dan dia enak banget kak, cuma kalau buat di lapangan gitu aktivitasnya, menurutku, aku berasa agak sedikit berminyak. tapi ini enak dan aku suka untuk pemakaian dalam ruangan..

  3. Ini brand udah lama ya? Inget banget wanginya itu ngingetin sama nyokap yang suka pakai body lotion-nya.

  4. waaah jangan jangan ini rahasia supaya punya kulit bagus kayak kaka yaa :D hehe

    btw mampir yaaa,

    thanksyuu :D

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